A Little Tribute to Opa and Oma, Wendell and Marjorie Geary
In Sunday School, they taught Darren this song:
♫ Tanganku kerja buat Tuhan, mulutku memuji nama-Nya,
Kakiku berjalan cari jiwa, upahku besar di surga... ♪
In English, it’s something like:
♫ My hands work for God, my mouth exhalts His name,
my legs walk to find lost souls, my reward is huge in heaven... ♪
Upon hearing that song, although not for the first time, I was wondering if I had lived like what the song was saying. And then it hit me, that of the many people I’ve met in my life, few really lived like what the song was saying, and among them, a very special couple quickly stood out. Some of you may have heard about them, or even know them personally: Wendell and Marjorie Geary, a.k.a Opa and Oma Geary of Bethesda hospital, Serukam.
When I think of hands that are truly dedicated to work for God, day in and day out, tireless, without underrating the many, many other hands also working for the One same God, my thought went out to the huge pair of hands (surgical gloves size 8 - 8.5 J), already having many wrinkles, yet were among the gentlest hands whose touch reach deep into his patients’ and MANY others’ hearts. Hands that despite the size, were delicately skillfull in doing their job on surgical tables.
When I think of a mouth that’s full with sincere praises for the Lord, I realize that it’s something more rarely found. Don’t we all have our moments when we’re not proud of what comes out of our mouths? (and I’m not talking about spluttering or vomiting J )
But if you ever talked to Marjorie Geary (a.k.a. Oma Geary), you’d agree with me, that whenever she opens her mouth, Words of God, encouragement, comfort, wisdom, in all down-to-earth, low profile, whole-hearted, very human ways, flow out like a river. If you were down, you’d at once feel as if the day were brighter; if you were confused, you’d feel like you just got a guiding light to lead you on; if you were weak, you’d feel like your wings regained a new strength to fly; and if you were on your average, so-so daily condition, you’d once again be reminded that God is walking with you along the way.
I don’t think I have ever met anyone from whose mouth flows out more blessings than Oma’s.
As for the legs willing to walk to find lost souls, people who know them wouldn’t have the tiniest doubt that they walked a long, long, LONG way and brought to God thousands upon thousands of lost souls deep in the furthest corners of West Borneo.
As for their reward, as a fellow Christian, I can’t think of anything less than a huge, real-estate-class house in an elite area in Heaven, although God probably has prepared something far better for them.
In Sunday School, they taught Darren this song:
♫ Tanganku kerja buat Tuhan, mulutku memuji nama-Nya,
Kakiku berjalan cari jiwa, upahku besar di surga... ♪
In English, it’s something like:
♫ My hands work for God, my mouth exhalts His name,
my legs walk to find lost souls, my reward is huge in heaven... ♪
Upon hearing that song, although not for the first time, I was wondering if I had lived like what the song was saying. And then it hit me, that of the many people I’ve met in my life, few really lived like what the song was saying, and among them, a very special couple quickly stood out. Some of you may have heard about them, or even know them personally: Wendell and Marjorie Geary, a.k.a Opa and Oma Geary of Bethesda hospital, Serukam.
When I think of hands that are truly dedicated to work for God, day in and day out, tireless, without underrating the many, many other hands also working for the One same God, my thought went out to the huge pair of hands (surgical gloves size 8 - 8.5 J), already having many wrinkles, yet were among the gentlest hands whose touch reach deep into his patients’ and MANY others’ hearts. Hands that despite the size, were delicately skillfull in doing their job on surgical tables.
When I think of a mouth that’s full with sincere praises for the Lord, I realize that it’s something more rarely found. Don’t we all have our moments when we’re not proud of what comes out of our mouths? (and I’m not talking about spluttering or vomiting J )
But if you ever talked to Marjorie Geary (a.k.a. Oma Geary), you’d agree with me, that whenever she opens her mouth, Words of God, encouragement, comfort, wisdom, in all down-to-earth, low profile, whole-hearted, very human ways, flow out like a river. If you were down, you’d at once feel as if the day were brighter; if you were confused, you’d feel like you just got a guiding light to lead you on; if you were weak, you’d feel like your wings regained a new strength to fly; and if you were on your average, so-so daily condition, you’d once again be reminded that God is walking with you along the way.
I don’t think I have ever met anyone from whose mouth flows out more blessings than Oma’s.
As for the legs willing to walk to find lost souls, people who know them wouldn’t have the tiniest doubt that they walked a long, long, LONG way and brought to God thousands upon thousands of lost souls deep in the furthest corners of West Borneo.
As for their reward, as a fellow Christian, I can’t think of anything less than a huge, real-estate-class house in an elite area in Heaven, although God probably has prepared something far better for them.
GREAT posttttttt for both of them! Glory to God!!! :-))))