Thursday, September 1, 2011


One of my oldest best friends inspired me to do this: 3 BT (3 Beautiful Things).
The idea is to find at least 3 beautiful things you encounter in your daily lives, and share them. Be creative and try to write different things, as various as possible, of unique perspectives.

I never really thought of how good this 3 BT idea was, until this friend of mine became so eloquent in it. She finds and shares even the “tiniest” things in life, so I’m inspired to find my own daily blessings, big or small, and thus learn to be more grateful, because some blessings are “invisible” unless you train yourself to count them. To read her 3 BT, you can check her blog Amel’s Realm here

I can’t wait to learn this lesson on being grateful, and share it with you ^__^
Here goes:

1. Having such an inspirational friend(s) from whom I can learn good things on my walk on this planet.
2. No emergency patient for hubby today, so we could spend a lot of time together. Such RARE event, yaaayyyy!!!! ^__^
3. Darren can finally pedal a bicycle (with 2 additional little wheels for balance) correctly. He’d been pedaling with only his right foot going up and down (I hope you can imagine what I’m trying to say). It’s awesome to see how much our little boy has grown (he’s 3,5 years old, btw, or you can check Darren’s age ticker down below this blog).
4. Having some time (and mood) to blog again :)
5. Hearing a good news that would likely lead to another good news :)
6. Waiting for God’s wonderful ways unfolding, enthusiastic and impatient as I sometimes am, even the wait itself is pleasing. (I’m trying to enjoy the present as well as hoping and striving for our future.)
7. Feeling enthusiastic, because of the below reason:

Well, please do share your own 3 BTs, and write it in the comment box below, or post it in your blog and let me know where to read it!

“Ucaplah syukur senantiasa atas segala sesuatu dalam nama Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus kepada Allah dan Bapa kita” - Efesus 5:20

P.S. I think I wrote a 3 BT post too some time ago, but it’s been such a long time that I don’t even remember, so I’m starting it over right now ;)

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