Thursday, May 14, 2009

Old wives' tale

My Mother in Law, who lives in a town in central Java, has been in town to help out my SIL (hubby’s younger sister) during her delivery. SIL recently gave birth to a son through a C-section.
Having MIL around at our place has been pretty entertaining.
Here’s why.

My MIL’s the kind of a very traditional Javanese woman (her father was Chinese and her mother was a Javanese). She was raised with the mindset of how a woman should be devoted to her husband, with the custom of being EXTREMELY polite, even to the point of enduring unnecessary misery, etc. etc.
Even so, she’s rather liberal when it comes to what’s perceived as social taboos in Indonesian community. For example, she could talk casually about sex, as if it were a cartoon movie. I was shocked to find out about this just a couple of years ago, but I’m kinda used to it now, hehehe...

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, MIL conveyed my SIL (my BIL’s wife)’s question, if it was true that to conceive a boy, the wife has to be “hotter” than the husband. By hotter I mean more sexually horny. BWAHAHAHAHA....
I struggled so hard not to laugh out loud at that very moment.
Imagine what SIL had thought of me, my first child being a boy?
Or even MIL herself, who had 4 sons?

Some myths can be so misleading.... And more astonishing, even the most misleading ones of them have believers...


  1. HUAHAHAHAHAHHH...reputasi mertua lo mantap pisan atuh dengan 4 anak cowo, demikian pula dengan anak n mantunya hihihihiiii...

  2. Hi Natalia, check this out "Mother's diet can help determine sex of child"


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